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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Posts Tagged:
comparison trap


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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    How to Recognize + Recover from a Burnout Diagnosis

    Burnout is real—like, really real. Recently recognized by the World Health Organization, work burnout is a serious diagnosis. Here's what you need to know.

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    Career Development
    How to Navigate a Mid-Career Crisis

    Mid-career got you down? You're far from alone. Here's how I'm dealing with my mid-career crisis.

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    Routines + Productivity, Working From Home, Working Parents
    The Guilty Pleasures That I'm Not Guilty About

    Me? Guilty? Never! Let this be the year we get rid of the notion of "guilty pleasures" because we deserve self-care, regardless of its form. Here are a few "guilty pleasures" we don't feel guilty about.

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    Cultivating Confidence
    13 Common Limiting Beliefs Holding Us Back

    I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm not good with numbers. I'm bad at public speaking. These are all common limiting beliefs that we need to shed in order to grow.

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    Goal-Setting, Routines + Productivity
    13 Ways to Stay Motivated and Inspired at Work

    Lacking motivation at work? We hear you. Here are 13 ways to reinvigorate your work life.

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    Routines + Productivity, Workplace Toxicity
    Is Toxic Productivity Burning You Out?

    It seems like everything can be toxic lately. Toxic productivity is born from the hustle culture we can't seem to break free from. Here are the signs your productivity might be toxic.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Professional Development
    5 Quotes About Success, Debunked

    We have all been hearing the same quotes about success for too long. Here are five quotes about success that we are no longer subscribing to—and our replacements.

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    Routines + Productivity, Workplace Toxicity
    How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

    How to quiet your inner critic and overcome the comparison trap—at work and in your personal life.